
Urban Wave is an online clothing shop based in Barcelona, Spain. It offers you uniquely designed clothes and accessories made with care & passion.

We are two young individuals just like you and your friends. We also have our dreams, beliefs, hobbies and ideas. Except this year we decided to share with you guys what we love to do.

We screen print. By that we mean, we create designs and put them on clothes using screen printing technology. We do it by our hands and that’s why we can assure that every piece we make REALLY is handmade. 

We are not a big company, making the clothes in factories and selling thousands of the same pieces every day. Instead of making huge quantities for lots of people, we carefully design and create each clothing, and make it in the amount that does not exceed 100 units. That way we are sure that every piece is perfect, and you can be sure that your shirt will not be worn by every other person on the street.

Our goal is to create clothes that would reflect your personality. To show who you are. The young, wild and free individual you are. Your love for life and adventures. Your ease to succeed in as many ways as possible. The endless dreams and grand hopes. The joy.

Creating a design is a passion, putting your own design on a shirt is an experience, sharing the result with others is a pleasure, and getting a positive feedback in the end is the goal. All this together makes a journey we are now in. We would like you to be part of our journey!